Mercury Retrograde in Libra
So here we are again with Mercury going retrograde on 9th September moonwalking backwards until 2nd October 2022 !
So are we ready for this?
Mercury Retrograde happens around 3 or 4 times a year and this months retrograde is in Libra and also Virgo. Mercury is a planet that is only slightly bigger than the Moon but is also the fastest planet in our solar system as it can orbit the Sun in just 88 days. It is the planet that oversees communication, logic and travel. So you might expect to find yourself with various hiccups along the way such as delayed journeys, computer issues and miscommunication as it will appear to be moving backwards for 3 weeks.
So we will need to take time to channel our mental energy inwards and reflect and rethink whatever it is we've been focused on over the past few months too. A time to slow down and hit those brakes . Spend more time journaling and meditating. Tie up any loose ends but remember to carefully dot the I's and cross the T's . Mercury Retrograde is also a big astrological red flag for drama with exes (ex-lovers, ex-friends, and even ex-coworkers), and this will be especially true since Libra is the sign of relationships. This is the time to take a close look at how you connect with others.
We have the Harvest Full Moon also on Saturday 10th September so will be a good time also to cleanse your mental and physical space as the moon tends to mark a big build up of energy. Cleanse and charge your crystals, meditate and let go of emotional baggage. I myself aim to make some elixers for Mercury Retrograde and some good crystals to use are Black Tourmaline, Smoky & Clear Quartz, Amazonite, Rainbow Fluorite, Shungite, Lapis Lazuli and Labradorite.
When creating a crystal elixir you can either place the stones directly in the water or indiretly infuse the water by keeping them separate. Remember some crystals aren't safe when added to drinking water. Many stones/crystals can corrode, rust or dissolve in water. Some even contain minerals or radiation that make them unfit for human consumption too. Rule of thumb, as I've mentioned in a previous article, if a crystal end in 'ite' it will lend itself to possibly dissolving in water and will therefore not be safe for drinking. To creat a crystal elixir without directly touching the crystals to water, suggest place the crystals in a glass container or cup and the cup in a bowl of water. Let it infuse. This is by far the safest way to charge the water with crystal energy. Want to drink some crystal infused water then you can buy one of our lovely crystal water bottles we have in our shop. We also have our Mercury Retrograde Crystal Pack and various incense, resins & burners too.