The Beaver Moon Lunar Eclipse 19.11.21
This will be the longest partial lunar eclipse in nearly 600 years!
This Full Moon gets it’s name from the Beaver hunting season that peaks at this time of the year and the beavers start to retire to their lodges for the winter. Sometimes known as the ‘Blood Moon’ too. Unlike Solar eclipses, Lunar eclipses are safe to view with the naked eye.
This will be the last lunar eclipse (partial) of the year and will reward patient sky observers with a view of a subtly changing moon and the moon may even take on a reddish hue.
This partial eclipse phase will last 3 hours, 28 minutes and 24 seconds and peaks on Friday 19 November 21 at 8.59 am (UK time). It could bring some eye-opening reminders for you to pay attention to everything you’ve been taking for granted.
As change is in the air under this Full Moon, we will be called to shift direction from an area of our life that is no longer working for us. Suggest write a list and set your intentions of all that you wish to release .
‘I release fear, I release pain, I release doubt
I am free, I am empowered I am magnificent
I trust my Soul's plan