The Lions Gate Portal
Lions Gate Portal 8.8.23
Have you heard of the Lions Gate Portal?
Its a powerful cosmic portal and it occurs when Sirius (the brightest star in the Orion constellation), Earth and the Sun align. An energetic event during Leo season and is associated with spiritual awakening, self-awareness, and the potential for a stronger connection to one's higher self and spiritual guides.
It typically occurs in late July through to early August but is believed to be the most powerful on August 8th. The number 8 holds profound spiritual importance, being visually linked to the infinity symbol and carrying abundant positive energy. It serves as a symbol of wealth, luck, and success, signaling that our future objectives are within grasp.
The Lions Gate Portal offers a chance for manifestation and focused creation. It is considered a time of increased energy, where one can tap into this cosmic energy to accelerate their spiritual journey, release old patterns, set intentions, and connect with higher levels of consciousness.
You can tap into the energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal by meditation clearing the mind and focus on your desires then setting positive intentions for your spiritual growth, self awareness and manifestation. Embrace courage, confidence, creativity and self expression.
Use and work with crystals like Citrine, Clear Quartz, Tigers Eye, Pyrite & Lapis Lazuli. Practise gratitude and connect with nature and make time for self care.
“ I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires” .