Delivery Information

Where do we ship from and to?

We ship from our main distribution centre using our own stock which is brought in from very select suppliers from around the world.

We carry out deliveries all over England.

Who do we use to ship?

Royal mail – This is the cheapest option for small light items.   We select the most cost effective service, so this is generally 1st or 2nd class.   This means we can keep delivery costs as low as possible whilst ensuring they arrive in a reasonable amount of time.  Orders that are in stock should be with you within 2-3 working days.

Free Shipping

Some orders qualify for free shipping.  The free shipping service uses the same Budget courier service, so the above timescales apply. Orders over £50.00 qualify excluding Freeform pieces.

Highlands & Islands

Royal mail – This is the cheapest option for small light items. We select the most cost-effective service, so this is generally 2nd class.  Orders that are in stock should be with you within 2-3 working days.