Chakra Orgone Sphere Reiki Symbol


This beautiful Orgonite Sphere is made from a combination of 7 types of crystal chips which are blended with metal shavings, and encased in resin. 

Included Crystals


  • Amethyst - Representing the Crown Chakra, this can bring inspirational qualities of infinite intelligence with human nature, inspiration and perfection. This is the overall balance of the chakra system.
  • Blue Aventurine - Representing the Brow Chakra, the connected qualities bring intuition, imagination, wisdom and clairvoyance. It is concerned with understanding knowledge and mental organizing.
  • Lapis- Representing the Throat Chakra, the central themes posses qualities of communication, speech, truth and knowledge. Overall it balances personal expression with the flow of information.
  • Green Jade - Representing the Heart Chakra, the connected qualities are unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, balance and understanding. Being at the centre it helps to deal with relationships and personal development.
  • Yellow Agate - Representing the Solar Plexus Chakra, this is connected to self-esteem, willpower, confidence and humour.
  • Carnelian - Representing the Sacral Chakra, this is connected to qualities of sexual desire, procreation and change, plus adapting to new ideas.
  • Red Jasper - Representing the Root Chakra, the connected qualities are those of self-preservation and survival instincts, as well as grounding and courage.

Size approx.  60mm in diameter  comes with acrylic stand.

Orgone Sphere's are symbolized as devices that aid in converting negative energy to positive, plus balancing the spiritual, emotional and physical body.