Mangano Calcite Rough 77g


This lovely specimen of Mangano Calcite in the rough measures approx. 60 x 36  x 30mm .

Lights up beautifully under UV as shown here and a lovely soft energy to hold. 

Mangano Calcite is a deeply loving,nurturing stone that helps us to be gentle with ourselves.  It encourages us to accept love and have self-love, and act lovingly towards others.   It can assist with relieving stress, anxiety and tension and it can also assist in removing fears and reduce nightmares.   It is an excellent tool to use with energy healing such as Reiki because of its ability to amplify energy.

Associated with the Heart Chakra.    It fills the heart with self-love, and encourages love for all others. It offers hope.   Can assist in healing inner hurt and past abuse by filling one with a sense of warm, secure love.   

Weight 77g

Supplied with information card