Mini Smudge Sticks of Sage, Mugwort & Cedar


3 Mini smudge sticks approx 8-9 cms. in length one of Sage, Mugwort & Cedar from USA.

All three are cleansing of negativity in their own ways.   

Sage is the classic cleanser and disperses negative emergies.  Sage can be used before meditation, prayer or ceremony or any time you wish to clear your aura. It can also be burnt to cleanse your house, and is frequently used in Feng Shui for space clearing.

Mugwort does similar but has an extra dream-like quality.  The energy feels lighter and maybe a little more "floaty" than sage.  Maybe that is part of the reason it is used by some to aid astral travel. In the Native American tradition mugwort is especially used to keep out negative and evil energies.

Cedar can reach a physical depth the other two don't in terms of cleansing, but not so much in attracting new energies.   The burning of Cedar is used to help banish nightmares and also to release heavy emotional energies such as depression.