Scolercite Palmstone
10 £10.00
These palmstones are beautifully polished which feels lovely to hold in your palm.
Has a soft tranquil energy that promotes inner peace and deep relaxation. Brings about peace of mind and eases anxiety. Great to use in meditation as it can guard you from negative thoughts but also enhances your thought patterns. Connects with the Crown Chakra. Its soothing energising energy inspires you to love yourself while striving towards your better self. Scolecite can also help relieve insomnia, so place a piece under your pillow for a better night's sleep.
Choose your piece - select from
A. 74g size 61mm x 42xx x 20mm SOLD
B. 62g size 58mm x 42mm x 19mm
C. 44g size 44mm x 37mm x 20mm SOLD
D. 68g size 59mm x 41mm x 19mm SOLD
E. 67g size 58mm x 39mm x 20mm SOLD
F. 63g size 58mm x 41mm x 18mm
G. 76g size 60mm x 41mm x 21mm
H. 70g size 58mm x 40mm x 20mm
I. 58g size 55mm x 37mm x 20mm SOLD
Origin from India - a tectosilicate mineral belonging to the zeolite group.
Supplied with information card.