Triple Goddess Smudge Stick 17.5cms


The Triple Goddess Smudge stick contains Maiden Sage, Motherwort and Cronewort wrapped in wisdom of Grandmother Sage.  Can be used to cleanse negative energies for a person, place or space.

All Fluorescent Ranch products are harvested in traditional manners, in an ecological and respectful way.

Size: Approximately 7 inches in length (17.5 cms)

Country of Origin: Grand Mesa, Colorado


How do I use my Smudge Stick?
Firstly, light your smudge stick or loose leaves if you have chosen to break off fragments of your smudge stick into a container. Wait a moment, then blow out the flames. Try to fan the embers lightly to keep them smoldering (you may have to re-light your stick). You can then use the smoke to cleanse a person, property or spaces - you can use a shell or a heat resistant container to catch the ashes.