Here at Wotilove we are always willing to help, if you have any questions or issues with any of our products, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

You can do this by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling us on 07811 596952.

While we always endeavour to resolve issues and assist you where possible, if you need to return an item please see the below.

Returning an item?

You can request a return by sending an email along with details to us

14 Day Returns

Provided you request a return within 14 days of receipt of the item it may be possible to return an unwanted item. The item must not be used and must be 'as new' when returned to us. This means it must be in its original packaging and any sealed items must not have been opened. Once you've completed the product return request, you have 28 calendar days to return it to us. Once the item is received at Wotilove, we'll issue a full refund for the product to your original payment method.

If an item is not deemed to be in 'as new' condition, or more than 14 days have elapsed before a return is requested, Wotilove reserves the right to reject the return or charge a 25% restocking fee.

Non Receipt of Items

If you have not received your items, you must let us know within 7 days from the estimated delivery date. Once we know you have not received your item we will investigate the matter fully both internally and with our carriers. Unfortunately, we cannot investigate non-receipt deliveries after this time has elapsed.

Items Damaged in Transit

It is essential to check items for damage immediately after delivery.

If any items were damaged in transit, you must report it to us within 7 working days. If the items are visibly damaged on receipt, it's best to sign the carrier's delivery note accordingly. Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation. Once received back into our warehouse, we'll issue a replacement or full refund to you via your original payment method and reimburse your reasonable return carriage costs. Failure to report items damaged in transit within 7 working days will mean Wotilove are unable to replace a damaged item free of charge.

When returning products to Wotilove, it is your responsibility to ensure that products are adequately packaged to prevent damage. Wotilove cannot be held responsible for items lost or damaged in transit where they have not directly organized the collection of goods.

Items missing on Arrival

Please check that you have everything in your order as soon as it arrives with you. If any items are missing on arrival, you have 14 working days in which to inform us of the missing item/s. Failure to report a missing item within 14 days will mean Wotilove are unable to replace an item free of charge.

Items Faulty in Warranty Period

If any of your purchases develop a fault, then provided your item is within its warranty period, you are entitled to a warranty repair or replacement. If the item is faulty within 30 days then you are entitled to request a refund.

The warranty is given, subject to Wotilove having no liability in respect of any defect arising from wear and tear, willful damage, negligence, tampering of the Goods, incorrect fitting of the Goods by you and/or a third party, abnormal working conditions, failure to follow our and/or the Goods' manufacturers' instructions (whether oral or in writing), misuse or alteration or repair of the Goods without our approval.

Should Wotilove determine that the fault/damage is as a result of the above actions, then the warranty will have been void and a costed repair/replacement may be offered if available.